zaterdag 24 december 2011

Een heerlijke tijd voor iedereen  tijdens de feestdagen!!
Moge deze winterdagen je ondersteunen bij het verwelkomen van nieuwe inzichten en inspiratie voor volgend jaar.
In januari ben ik aan het reizen in Indonesie en 2 weken cleansen op cocosnoten in Ubud, Bali.Volg de HealthyRoots-blog en blijf op de hoogte;

Ter inspiratie een stukje uit de poëzie bundel van Thich Nhat Hanh:
The Earth is always patient and open hearted.
She is waiting for you.
She has been waiting for you for the last trillion lifetimes.
She van wait for any length of time.
She knows you will come back to her one day,
Fresh and green, she will welcome you
exactly like the first time.
because love never says, "This is the last time";
beacause Earth is a loving mother
She will never stop waiting for you.

There were times you did not succeed.
Walking on the empty path, you were floating in the air,
lost in the cycle of birth and death
and drawn into the world of illusion.
But the beautiful path is patient,
always waiting for you to come back,
that path is so familiar to you,
and so faithfull.
it knows you will come back one day.
And it will welcome you back.
The path will be fresh and as beautifull as the first time.
Love never says that it is the last time

The path is you.
That is why it will never tire of waiting.
Wheather it is covered with red dust,
autumn leaves,
or icy snow,
come back to the path.
you will be like the tree of life.
Your leaves, trunk, branches,
and the blossoms of your soul
will be fesh and beautifull,
once you enter the practice of Earth Touching.